Fiat To Bank withdrawal.

Jonny Laymore
Branding, UI/UX Design,
Mobile Design
Feburary 25th, 2020
Paul – Designer
VLThemes – Coder

Trust us to prove your good faith

If you’re here, you’ve probably experienced the frustration of having your cryptocurrency profits rejected by banks. In Belgium, France and Luxembourg, banks take a cautious approach to crypto-asset gains, which is understandable.

Crypto-assets are often considered prohibited activities due to the legal ambiguity surrounding them and their potential use in illicit activities such as money laundering or terrorist financing.

Unfortunately, banks often lack the resources to thoroughly investigate every crypto related windfall. If they cannot prove the legal origin of these funds, they are forced to reject them. But don’t worry, we’re here to help!

Our experienced team, specialising in blockchain technology, will create a comprehensive compliance report, both on-chain and off-chain, with a rigorous audit conducted by our investigators. We have all the resources and knowledge needed to reassure banks of the legitimate origin of your crypto-asset profits. We can trace all of your activity on the blockchain to accurately determine the trajectory of your investments.

With our crypto compliance report in hand, you can demonstrate your good faith to banks and convert your cryptocurrency winnings into fiat currency with peace of mind.

Don’t let the obstacles stop you – contact us today and let us help you successfully navigate this process.

Crypto Gains Screening

With our expertise and the use of cutting-edge blockchain analytics tools, we identify wallet owners, track fund movements across blockchains, and provide a report for your bank, visually demonstrating the lawful origin of your funds

1. Origin of the funds

We meticulously trace the origins of funds to establish the initial source of every transaction within the crypto ecosystem. This first critical step provides a foundational understanding of where your assets originate.